

                                        What is a paragraph? 

A paragraph is the basic unit of composition. It consists of a group of related sentences that develop one main idea. It has three main parts; an introduction, a body of the paragraph and a conclusion. In other words, it has a topic sentence, a few supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.
We need some elements to make a great paragraphs, and now we'll explain about :
            1. Unity of paragraph
            The meaning of unity is that each paragraph contains only one point of                     thought manifested in the main sentence.


No unity
“Sunday is my favorite day, because I can watch movie with my friend. There are othere movise on other days to watch on TV.”
(the second sentence detours from the main topic : how watching movie with friend makes Sunday your favorite day.)
-         Unity
“Sunday is my favorite day, because I can watch movie with my friend. She spends the whole day watching movie on th with me, since he doesn’t have to work that day.”
(the second sentence elaborates on the main topic. This is a unifed start.)

2. Coherence of Paragraph
It means that the sentences should be organized in a logical manner and should  there follow a definite plan of development.

There are four ways to writing a coherence paragraph :  

  • Using parallel structure. (it can be a words, phrases, or clauses.)
  • Using pronouns (He/she, they/their, it/its, this/that/those/ these.)
  • Using repletion,(it can be noun, verbs or phrases. )
Using transitional expressions and conjunction, (First, next, then, lastly

Example of coherence paragraph
“ Scientific agriculture, however soundsound in principle, often seems strangely unrelated to, and unaware of,the vital, grueling job of making a living by farmoing. Farmers sense this quality in it as they study their bulletins, just as a poor man senses in a rich man an incomprehension of his own problems. The farmer of today knows, for example, that manure loses some of its value when exposed to the weather but, he knows also that to make hay he needs settled weather - better weather than you usually get in june."


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